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For over forty years, South Africa was governed by the most notorious form of racial domination since Nazi Germany. When it finally collapsed, those who had enforced apartheid’s rule wanted amnesty for their crimes. Their victims wanted justice. As a compromise, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was formed. As it investigated the crimes of apartheid, the Commission brought together victims and perpetrators to relive South Africa’s brutal history. By revealing the past instead of burying it, the TRC hoped to pave the way to a peaceful future.

LONG NIGHT´S JOURNEY INTO DAY follows several TRC cases over a two-year period. The stories in the film underscore the universal themes of conflict, forgiveness, and renewal.

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A film by Academy Award Nominated director Frances Reid SKIN DEEP is a 53-minute film that was produced in response to the growing wave of racial hatred and violence in this country. It was made out of the belief that talking about racial issues, both in interracial dialogue and in homogeneous groups, is a necessary first step towards taking action to undo the racial inequalities that permeate our institutions and communities and affect us all deeply as individuals. SKIN DEEP takes the viewer on a journey of dialogue with a group of contemporary college students.

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