Many of you have already made a pledge to our Kickstarter campaign – THANK YOU! We are thrilled and grateful. You are an amazing and powerful group of people!

We know that there are a ton of good causes asking for your donation. Here are a few reasons why we think the project AFRO URUGUAY: FORWARD TOGETHER is worthy of support.


10. All those contributions you made during the recent election season weren’t tax deductible and you need to make an end of the year donation.

9. In honor of Black Friday, you will be making a donation to a charity instead of spending on consumer goods.

8. You care about global culture and sharing new perspectives and information in engaging and entertaining ways.

7. You are ready to focus on something other than U.S. electoral politics.

6. You know that independent, not-for-profit media is an essential part of informing our communities and want to support that.

5. You are passionate about candombe, Uruguay, and Afro Uruguayan culture.

4. You’ve never heard of Uruguay before, let alone the fact that there are black people there, and you want to know more.

3. You know that in this era of media influence, getting the word out and sharing undertold stories through media is an essential element of social justice.

2. You know that documentaries move hearts and minds.

1. You think this film is an AWESOME idea!

We have just 20 days left in the campaign and need to raise another $12,495 to make it to our goal by December 5!

If you haven’t already done so – we’d be so grateful if you would make your pledge today.

Remember, with Kickstarter, it is all or nothing.

We have a long way to go, but we know that, together, we can do it.

If you have already made your own pledge, consider sending a link to the Kickstarter page to five friends:

And again – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Together we can continue to transform and uplift our communities!

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